Formed in 1983, the Santa Cruz Astronomy Club is a non-profit educational organization pursuant to 501C3, tax ID Number 77-0215497. Mailing address is: Santa Cruz Astronomy Club, PO Box 3439, Santa Cruz, CA 95063
Club Officers...
President: James Bahn
Vice President: Ana Rodarte
Secretary: Open
Treasurer: Bill Seiler
Board member: Chris Angelos
Presentations/speakers chairperson: Open
Quail Hollow star parties: John Arkley
Bonny Doon star parties: James Bahn
Outreach programs: Open
Website: James Bahn
Social media: Kirk Bender
Calendar: Robert Milby
Communications: Robert Milby
New member orientation: Open
The SCAC is an all-volunteer organization that relies on the active participation of its members for its success and continuity. Please contact us if you think you'd like to help provide leadership as a chairperson or officer.